We are not fine and admitting this is okay.

I love Costrastrology’s Instagram posts. Before the pandemic I was like astrology is bullshit. Now I’m not so convinced.

Reading their star signs I’m stunned how they are relatable. I’m a Pisces Aries cusp and I feel all the things exactly the way Costrastrology writes these two star signs.

Astrology allows for imperfection. It’s a place where I can acknowledge my faults my shortcomings without having to fix them. This system of things requires that we all wear masks. In reality…no one is fine. But most of us cannot carry on raising children, being in relationships and taking action without our protective emotional mask.

Those of us who are able to function in the world effectively behind our masks build support networks that enable us to acquire resources and access to places where we can take our masks off, allowing our authentic selves space to be free.

We can take our masks off going to therapy, or going out into nature. We can create more comfortable masks by believing in a religious practice, or partaking in extreme mind altering experiences. And we put on the masks of distraction immersing ourselves in video games , celebrity, sports and the entertainment industry. Still others put on the mask of activism, politics and environmentalism. All these masks help us un-feel.

We need to wear these masks in order to get through the day and stay positive right!?!!

We do right? Cause if we wear a mask we can navigate our way through the matrix on our belief beyond reality. We can live in a positive bubble and if we wear the mask, and keep on confirming pushing our truth away….if we medicate and distract we may have moments of financial abundance moments of true love, moments of happiness for ourselves until a tragedy happens in our lives and the mask is ripped from our faces leaving our flesh exposed raw and ready to heal.

Yep. We are all fine rotting behind our masks until someone we love dies. Or we get sick. We are happy until we lose our jobs and health insurance and we look around and have no friends to help us out.

Yea…I like looking at horoscopes now. I can take off my mask and allow my sensitive self space to be afraid and not okay. I recognise the vulnerability the insecurity, and when I do I see it’s actually healthy to acknowledge the truth and know it will pass without hiding behind a mask.

Yes we need the mask to protect our sensitive skin. And yes. We need safe brave spaces where we can allow our fears to breathe without boundaries.

Thanks Costrastrology For the break. Okay. I’m fine!!!!




About VisAbleblackwoman

Entertainment/Wellness Journalist, Writer, Playwright, Actor, Producer, Vegan Chef Contributor - Black Girl Nerds.com Founder - VisAbleblackwoman Productions
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